There's a lot more to Personal Style, than the clothing you wear!
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'Let me take you on a style adventure you won't forget...'
Hey, I'm Claire.
I'm just a girl, obsessed with preloved shopping, on a journey of healing & acceptance by being creative & embracing my inner weirdo.
I'll let you in on a secret...The things that have always made you feel different, actually make you unique & it's your uniqueness that makes you shine brightly, like the awesome human being you are!
Love, Light & Magic

I am a Holistic Style Coach™ with a Creative Style Personality & a sprinkling of ADHD/BPD.
It's time to 'Embrace your Inner Weirdo' & start creating a unique style that screams:
I also have a dopamine-chasing obsession with second hand shopping & style. I also adore creating unique, upcycled clothing designs, from preloved clothing and fabric.
It started with 8 year old me, giggling with my best friend whilst cutting holes in the crotches of our 90s flared denim jeans and turning them into bell sleeve crop tops...
Cutting the toes off long stripy socks to make rainbow fingerless gloves that stretch all the way up your arms.
Ripping and distressing skinny jeans and refusing to wear them with anything but tutu skirts.
Neon coloured tights with spiderweb print matched with blue fairy wings and crazy coloured makeup..
Ridiculously baggy corduroys as wide as an elephant and so tattered and ripped along the bottom that they had to be prised from my hands and thrown in the bin!
Always looking for something new, something more wacky and wild than the last....
If someone tells me that they don't like something ive picked up in a shop, it makes me want to buy it even more!
If something is 'old, quirky or too 1980s, then i'm there and i want it all. It's just me, being me!
See for me, dressing has always been a form of art. I'm still unique, i'm just better at styling it now!
But self expression hasn't always come easy for me...
It's taken me a long time, a lot of people pleasing, a lot of masking, a lot of faking that i'm okay & trying to be someone im not, to get here & its taken me even longer to accept myself, for who i am.
After being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at 21 & more recently being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult - I have gone on a journey of serious acceptance of myself & i have learnt that my differences make me, me! And i'm okay with that!
I was muted, paralysed, kicked down, laughed at, picked out and bullied.
And no matter how many times I tried to rise, I fell straight back down again and again and again. My entire life had been a downward spiral, always feeling completely misunderstood.
I experienced trauma and it made me behave in certain ways. I could be the shyest person in the room or the biggest bitch! I carried that trauma like a ball & chain throughout the years. Destroying everything & everyone i came into contact with. The weight was too heavy to bear.
Sometimes i'm quiet. Sometimes i'm talkative. I'm often emotional, i forget what im talking about or why i've walked into a room.
I constantly lose my things or zone out of conversations. I can be incredibly unfocused. Often i get overwhelmed & get stuck in paralysis.
I can hear every conversation in a room, but nothing in detail, i've crossed my arms and held onto items to stop myself from moving, when all i wanted to do is spin or dance or sing.
Wherever i go, I have some line of some catchy song, playing over and over and over and over.
I'm rubbish at sport - i don't even know the rules.
When i'm emotional, its insanely intense.
When i feel abandoned i feel like i'm mourning a death & my whole world has ended.
Ive been, felt and experienced all of this and more.
& worst of all, Ive been singled out for it & made to feel like my existence, was unworthy and useless.
I have had to adapt my life in a way that no one else could fully understand - but if you're here still reading, i know you've felt like this too.
When I found Style Coaching™️ which helped me start to change my thinking about my inner self & eventually Reiki, where I am processing & healing my traumas. The 2 combined together created the most perfect match.
Having BPD /ADHD has given me constant challenges & darkness throughout my life. But it has also taught me that life is short, & i make it my mission to see the positives in every moment. I refuse to spend my days in the deep, dark place i came from.
I also have a lot of empathy, I am fun & a loyal friend, I am kind, quirky & unique. I have strong opinions & a fire burning passion for using what i've been through in life, to help other people in similar positions!
I am committed to being open, raw & authentic. To help you realise that NO MATTER what experiences you've been through, or how other people have treated you or made you feel:
You are perfect
You are unique
& You are worthy
I encourage you to be brave...
I encourage you to be you...
Because being yourself is the best thing you can ever be!